Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sarah - Health Wellness & Quality of Life

Sarah Wimer
Blog number 4
March 28, 2012

Today’s blog is about Health and wellness & Quality of life. I enjoyed how we started the day off with a fun and healthy breakfast at Hy-vee, learning a very helpful way to make life easier, healthier, and happier. Being shown, NuVal, a scoring system that helps you pick out a better nutritional meal that will benefit you and your family. I find this system well thought out and very useful. Thanks to my morning at Hy-vee I now use the system and have shown others in my family the easier way to make better choices on the things we place in our bodies. We had also toured the Fremont Family YMCA where we all had a blast “working out” with some super fun senior citizens who truly made my day showing us how burning those calories can be fun and not to difficult. Its always good to see not only the young but the elder still up and busting a move!:) We then finished are day at the FAMC with a tour and better understand of what Fremont has to offer us. Today was a success and am happy to say, I had enjoyed it!

Sarah - Education Day

Sarah Wimer
Blog number 3
October 26, 2001

Today my blog is about Education. Today I thought was a really good day! Being that we are all juniors in high school education is the only thing that is what is really important and should be our main focused. We had gone to Midland when we started with really funny games that we all really enjoyed. It was something good to start the day plus it got us closer together, bonding moments are always cute. After that the tour I thought was beneficial do to a lot of us may be going to not only midland but to any college and its important to see what everything will be like. Also it was nice to hear what college also has to offer instead of just sitting in classes. The best part of the day was going to the elementary school. I love talking to little kids, I find a great enjoyment in them. Playing the games where fun and you know they had the time of their lives with us which just made it all more the fun! Plus a cookie with a juice box was a perfect way to end the day! Over all it was a great day and I think we all enjoyed it!  

Sarah - City/County Governmet Day

Sarah Wimer
Blog number 2
December 28, 2011

Today my blog is about city/county government, law, legal and media. What I like about this program is that we all learn not only something about are community about it’s a step closer to learning about who/what we are meant to be. To be completely blunt this day I found rather boring. I do believe that every class we have everyone is beneficial in some way. This one was beneficial because in now know that I never want to be a part of any of what they do, unless I was a part of a youth council board of some sort. Honestly I don’t think many of us as a class found this day to be too exciting in anyway, but having the class we do we, we all trooped through it rather well together. I can say its safe to say that it there were times that we well, the whole day wasn’t a complete disaster in anyway but something that may what to be changed a little. Over all I think we got through it well and we all grew in a way, learned about ourselves and finished strong J

Sarah - Community and social services

Sarah Wimer
Blog number 1
November 23, 2011

Today my blog is about Community and social services. The Youth Leadership academy of Fremont went around to different places in Fremont to see what are community offers to people who may need a little more help than others. This is by far one of my favorite day, that as a group was a part of. I love the fact that I was able to see and understand what Fremont dose for others. I know now thank you to this that there are many things that I can, and will be a part of to help others in my community. I find true enjoyment in helping others and it made my day better when I was able to see the opportunities. One thing that I would like to see that if you take us as a group to see what we can do to help, a lot of organizations didn’t what are help because of our age. When I am show fun and exciting things its kind of a downer when I am unable to do the job. Over all I found this day a good help to what I plan to do in the future and I find it beneficial to the rest of my classmates also.